Apple, Google, And Mozilla To Create Next-Gen Browser Benchmark


The makers of Safari, Chrome, and Firefox, Apple, Google, and Mozilla, are teaming up to create a next-generation browser benchmark, Speedometer 3.

As a result, the three companies will get a say in a benchmark that will test how their apps perform with the latest techs that websites use.

Speedometer 3

Apple’s Webkit In a tweet said,

“We’re excited to work with Googlechrome and Firefox on the next Speedometer benchmark, which measures real-world browser performance on the Web. Working together will help us further improve the benchmark and improve browser performance for our users.”

Mozilla, while talking about its vision of the web browser benchmark said,

“We have lots of ideas on how to make things better.

Many require collaboration across site authors, framework builders, browser vendors and standards groups, which requires a shared understanding of what matters.

Speedometer 2 was a leap forward when it shipped in 2018, but it’s time to update it to test real user journeys from online life today”