The 8 Don’ts of Social Media

The 8 Don’ts of Social Media


Social Media no doubt has come to stay and almost everyone cannot do without spending few or more hours daily on their mobile device.According to an online survey, 45 percent of the world’s population use social media with an average of two hours and 23 minutes spent per day on social media as at 2019. 

Social media has become a virtual central meeting point as well as place to express thoughts and flex muscles with one another. It is also the best channel to get both authentic and of course fake news and fashion tips among other things.

These days employers, immigration  and security operatives go online to search for the identity and friends of an individual depending on the situation.There are a million and one thing that should not be done online.Below are just eight major things that should never be done.
I. Do not make rude  and uncanny remarks about your previous or past employer because nothing online is private anf and this may affect the chances of being employed in another organization.  Every organization wants a loyal staff .
2. Do not post half nude pictures of yourself online. These sort of pictures reduce your essence and don’t forget, you will be addressed as viewed.
3. Do not use derogatory sign or racial slang online. Many teenagers post pictures using the index finger to give the F sign , the truth is that no serious employer will look at your resume twice.
4.Do not post too much information online.Most people love to post unnecessary information. Keep it short and simple.
5. Do not be unpatriotic of the country of origin, no matter what happens. 
6. Do not post unconfirmed news to your timeline. Most people are fond of sharing news that are not true.
7.As a professional or security operative, do not publicly display any alcoholic drinks in uniform ,this downgrade your elevated status in the society.
8. Don’t be a fake personality on social media platforms. Keep it real and you will earn your respect.